How to lose weight while pregnant is a common concern for many women who are hoping to safely lose the baby weight that they will soon carry. The majority of women will try to lose the pregnancy weight as quickly as possible. The truth of the matter is that safe weight loss is accomplished in stages. A careful plan is first formed to set a healthy and realistic exercise goal, followed by a careful plan for healthy food choices, time to rest and recover, and finally a well balanced diet.

How to Lose Weight While Pregnant: It is important to note that losing unwanted pregnancy weight is done in stages. Your body needs time to adjust to the changes that occur during pregnancy, and you do not want to work yourself up to the point of being overloaded. There is no single defined amount of safe weight loss to expect while pregnant. You should consider how far along you have already gone and how far you are still ahead of schedule, before deciding how to begin your journey to becoming a healthy and fit new mom.
First, it is important to realize that the absolute best way to burn calories while pregnant is by reducing caloric intake and increasing your physical activity. In fact, in the last trimester you should increase your physical activity to burn more calories. A fifteen minute walk every day will help you to both get some needed fresh air and to burn calories.
Second, you should also focus on eating foods that are lower in fat. Whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein are all excellent choices for you to eat throughout the entire pregnancy. It should be noted that in the last few weeks, these food choices should become less healthy, due to the growing baby inside of you. Whole grains and lean protein are excellent sources of fiber and low in fats and sugar. These foods should be the primary source of calories for you and your baby.
Third, it is also important to understand that the most successful method of losing weight while pregnant is with the use of a healthy diet and exercise program. This may seem like common sense, but most women don't make this a part of their overall weight loss strategy. You must eliminate all unhealthy foods from your diet and replace them with healthy options. This can include whole grains, fresh veggies, and lean proteins. The trick is that you need to remember that you want to keep all of your major nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and water, within your diet.
Fourth, in the first trimester you should eat an assortment of high-calorie foods, such as candies, chocolate, and fried items. Avoiding all forms of starch are also important. In the second trimester you will want to limit your calorific intake to about 500 extra calories per day. Be sure to eat these wisely in order to maintain your weight during the third trimester. Excessive calories are a big problem during this time, so being careful not to consume too many of them will help you to keep your weight within safe limits.
Fifth, do not forget about prenatal vitamins or supplements. The vitamins and supplements listed here are excellent ways to help you lose weight while pregnant. Your health care provider will be able to discuss them with you and recommend a dosage. These vitamins will help you keep your body healthy and your baby healthy at the same time. Always speak with your health care provider before you take any vitamins, especially if you have any sort of documented medical condition.
While this article has given you some good general advice, you should always talk with your health care provider before beginning any type of weight loss program. The best way to find out if it is a good fit for you and your child is to discuss it openly with your doctor. Keeping a healthy body weight while you are pregnant is one of the most important things that you can do during your pregnancy.