If you have been asking the question "How to lose weight during Menopause?" chances are that you have been trying to figure out how to fight menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and fatigue. While it is true that these symptoms are natural and expected to occur during the menopause period, they may also cause a great deal of discomfort and worry for some women. This is especially true if you need to learn how to lose weight during menopause because of the other effects that aging has on your body. While menopause can be a wonderful and even welcome part of life, it is important to remember that it does not necessarily make it easier to stay on a healthy diet and exercise routine.

While many men do lose some weight as a result of menopause, it is usually not a large amount and is only temporary. Women who participate in a regular weight loss program find that they usually regain the weight once they stop following the program. While there aren't any magical cures for how to lose weight during menopause, there are things that you can do to improve the chances that you will shed those extra pounds. In fact, the best way to avoid gaining back what you lost during menopause is to take preventative measures.
One of the most important steps on how to lose weight during menopause is to keep track of how much exercise and activity you get each day. If you are active and you were previously doing a lot of exercise then chances are that now is the perfect time for you to start. Even a simple 20 minutes walk every day will help increase your resting metabolic rate, which will help you burn calories throughout the day. This is important because your resting metabolic rate is how your body uses calories to help repair itself after strenuous activity like exercise.
Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables is another thing that many women don't think about when they are discussing how to lose weight during Menopause. The foods that women should be eating are foods that are high in antioxidants such as dark leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits and soy products. There is even some evidence that women who have high levels of estrogen are less likely to have breast cancer. Foods that contain high amounts of antioxidants are proven to be more effective at removing free radicals from the body than other common antioxidant rich foods.
Another thing that you need to know when you are thinking about how to lose weight during Menopause is to stay hydrated. The best way to do this is with water. Since you are going to be staying away from solid foods, you will need to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. It is also important that you get at least eight glasses of water a day to make sure that your body stays properly hydrated.
While you are taking care of yourself, it is important that you also take care of your social life. This is one of the most difficult things that a woman has to face during her time as Menopause continues to progress. Many women have difficulty coping with this change in their life. If you need information on how to lose weight during Menopause talk with your doctor about increasing the amount of Vitamins that you take and make sure that your diet includes foods rich in antioxidants. You'll find that once you start following a healthy eating plan that you'll feel much better about yourself.
When you consider how to lose weight during Menopause your next consideration should be exercised. Women during this time have a tendency to put off exercise for they don't feel comfortable doing it. If you find that this is the case then take baby steps. Begin slowly and increase your level of activity as your health improves. It is also important to consider joining a gym as this can provide an excellent source of exercise that you will enjoy.
One last item on your list of items that you need to consider in how to lose weight during Menopause is proper diet. If you avoid eating carbohydrates, fat and other processed foods then you are going to put yourself at risk for developing serious health problems. Instead, focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. You'll find that if you do this you will end up feeling better and find that you have more energy throughout the day. As long as you remember that your health is extremely important during this time it should go without saying that you should stick with your plan of eating healthy to help you lose those stubborn extra pounds.
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